Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program

Our mission is to improve each consumer’s quality of life, assist them in achieving their life goals, and enable them to live independently. Every PRP consumer receives the following:


  • A Dedicated, One-on-one Mental Health Coordinator
  • Access to Day Program
  • Access to the Health and Wellness Program
  • Virtual/Telehealth Appointments
  • Ongoing Support in Identifying and Coordinating Resources


Our programs and ongoing support work together to create a comprehensive, goal-oriented path for each consumer to fully integrate into their surrounding communities. The Day Program facilitates social interaction and coping strategies, The Health and Wellness Program fosters physical as well as mental health, and our Care Coordinators are trained to connect consumers with resources to address a variety of other needs, including substance abuse, homelessness, and employment.


In addition, our Mental Health Care Coordinators guide consumers in learning and improving life skills, including:

  • personal hygiene
  • organization
  • time management
  • nutrition
  • money management
  • healthy coping strategies
  • substance abuse

Learn more about our program in the FAQs below or fill out a referral form now.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program Referral Form

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program FAQs
Who does PDG serve?

PDG provides psychiatric rehabilitation for adults with diagnosed mental illnesses. We currently offer services throughout the Metropolitan Baltimore – Washington Corridor.

What is Psychiatric Rehabilitation?

The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) at PDG works to assist individuals with severe mental illness to reach a higher level of independence. The PRP assists consumers with accessing and coordinating resources in their communities, while ensuring that the consumer has access to the best possible treatment. Mental Health Care Coordinators provide services within the home and the community. Our MHCCs help the consumer learn and develop healthy coping mechanisms while improving daily living skills like personal hygiene, organizational skills, time management skills, nutrition, and money management.

Does PDG have a Day Program?

Yes, PDG operates Day Programs in our Millersville, Baltimore, and Rockville offices. The PRP Day Program offers various therapeutic, educational, and recreational activities within a group setting and allows consumers a social environment to discuss and address mental health coping strategies. 

What is the Health and Wellness Program?

The Health and Wellness Program (Behavioral Health Home) is a program offered by the State of Maryland and PDG, Inc.. The Health and Wellness program assists consumers in improving overall wellness through a whole-person approach that addresses their physical health in addition to their behavioral and social needs. PDG’s Health and Wellness Program is a complement to our PRP services and consumers must first be enrolled in the PRP in order to participate.

Health and Wellness services can take place in a group setting, individually with the consumer, or in conjunction with a medical appointment. Services can cover a variety of topics, including the following:

  • weight, blood pressure, and other vitals
  • chronic condition management
  • care coordination
  • smoking cessation
  • substance abuse prevention
  • scheduling medical appointments
  • nutritional counseling
  • physical activity counseling
  • medication review and education

Hospitals notify the Health and Wellness Program when a consumer is hospitalized, allowing staff to reach out and ease the transition. PDG retains a registered nurse (RN) on staff who participates in the treatment of every consumer enrolled in the Health and Wellness program. New or existing goals are addressed to improve the overall health of each consumer enrolled, with the goal of maintaining long-term wellness and avoiding hospitalizations.

What kind of insurance is required for PRP?
For PRP services, the consumer should have Medical Assistance (MA), Primary Adult Care (PAC), or Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) benefits.
How long do Psychiatric Rehabilitation services last?

Consumers are initially authorized for three to six months of PRP services. Near the end of each authorization period, goals are reviewed and PDG may request additional periods of service from the provider.

Will I have to wait to become enrolled in the program?

Whenever possible, PDG staff initiate contact with a new referral within 48 hours. Once the referral is contacted, we schedule an intake within the next three business days, and proceed with assigning the consumer to an aide within 10 days of the initial referral.

How do I become part of the PRP?

A referral form can be found on this site. Once it’s completed and submitted to PDG, the consumer is contacted for an initial intake visit. During that visit, the consumer and intake clinician will discuss the consumer’s needs. Once the intake is complete, PDG staff create an initial treatment plan with the consumer and services begin.

How often will my Care Coordinator meet with me?

Mental Health Care Coordinators typically see consumers twice a week, or a minimum of six times a month.

What is a one-on-one visit?

Mental Health Care Coordinators meet with consumers for anywhere from fifteen minutes up to two hours, depending on the goal being addressed. During each visit, the consumer is expected to work towards one or more of the goals set forth in the rehabilitation plan, which is developed at the onset of PRP services.


PDG firmly believes that within each person is an untapped capability. Contact us to learn about our recovery-oriented programs today.

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