Crab Feast: Where Does the Money Go?
Where Does the Money Go?
Each year PDG throws this delicious and lively event to raise money for PDGRS, our non-profit providing vocational services to adults with severe mental disabilities. All proceeds from the event – including ticket sales, raffles, the wheel of chance, and the Bucket O’ Cheer – go to PDG’s vocational fund.
But what does that mean, you ask? Where is my money actually going?
What a great question! This fund is available to our Vocational Specialists when helping their consumers achieve and maintain employment in the community. There are many resources in Baltimore and Anne Arundel County that help with food, clothing, bus passes, and more. Yet, what happens when a consumer needs something that isn’t covered by other programs? What if they need something that day in order to keep their job?
The Vocational Specialist has the ability to request the amount from PDG’s vocational fund and receive it ASAP. The Specialist then helps the consumer purchase the item in question.
Actual uses for these funds:
- Getting a sorely needed haircut before an interview.
- Purchasing a bus day pass to get to work.
- Obtaining accessories or shoes for an interview outfit or work uniform.
- Anything directly needed but not available elsewhere for obtaining or maintaining a job.
These funds are distributed only when needed and are not given to the consumer to spend as they like. They’re available quickly and the scope of application is flexible. All disbursements are documented.
That’s how you really put your money to work. Keep an eye out for our next save the date and join us next year for continued community support and endless crabs!