Year in Review: 2019
As we usually do this time of year, it’s time to look back at 2019 and all that PDG has accomplished! Thanks to our amazing staff, we’ve introduced new programs, expanded previous ones, and had a very successful year…
PDG Therapeutics
PDG’s counseling program expanded this year with new counselors and more clients than ever before. Our services are in-home as well as available in our three different offices. Our licensed professionals see adults and adolescents dealing with a range of conditions and use the most up-to-date methods that are proven effective. Way to go PDG-T!
Montgomery County Services
Likewise, PDG’s Montgomery services expanded with increased activities in our Rockville office. From Day Program participants to specialized groups, there’s so much to explore since we opened this office a little over a year ago. Our Montgomery County team has been hard at work!
Mentorship Program
This year, we instituted a new internal mentorship program connecting seasoned PDG employees with new hires. These new hires are often recent graduates, new to the area, or new to mental healthcare, so guidance can be very important. Our expert Mental Health Care Coordinators gain invaluable mentorship and leadership skills while new hires have more resources and support from all angles.
Credible Reimplementation
From streamlined treatment plans to synced group notifications, Credible has never been more tailored to PDG’s services and consumers! The behavioral healthcare software has always been an invaluable part of the PDG journey, but as of 2019’s reimplementation, its functions are specially tailored to PDG consumers, providing more administrative support to staff that allows them to then spend more time on high quality services for consumers.
8th Annual Crab Feast
For the 8th year in a row, PDG celebrated its nonprofit program and raised money for vocational services with its annual Crab Feast. This year saw beautiful skies, delicious crabs, and a record number of sponsors!
Thanksgiving Event
This year PDG improved logistics by combining its two big Thanksgiving events – formerly in Baltimore and Anne Arundel County – into one large event for all consumers. The combined event brought consumers and staff together across county divides, and proved to be a great idea!
4th Top Workplace Award
For the 4th consecutive year in a row, PDG was awarded the Top Workplace honor by the Baltimore Sun. This award is based on the results of an anonymous survey, and shows how dedicated PDG is to excellent services, a high standard of ethics, and a great workplace culture.
Holiday Drives
We also held our annual Holiday Drive, collecting over 22 bins throughout Anne Arundel County alone, and many more for our other regions. Numerous local and regional organizations donated money, gift cards, and space in their office for a food drive bin.
At the same time last year, we introduced a Winter Coat Drive to collect winter gear needed by low income consumers. The drive was also a big success with many coats, gloves, and hats collected and distributed in time for the weather to turn very cold.
Hygiene Closet
Near the end of the year, our motivated staff also began a Hygiene Closet serving those consumers who lack the basic necessities, or need a little extra help in preparation for an interview or special event. Donations are accepted at all offices on an ongoing basis, and supplies are sorted and distributed as needed.
Thank you to all our wonderful staff who help make these initiatives and consumer resources possible! We really couldn’t do it without you.
Another big thank you to all the community donors and partners that support these events and keep much-needed behavioral healthcare in our communities.
Here’s to another great year!